Brothers and Sisters,

Healthy churches put into succinct statements what they feel are most important to the local gathering. It helps to direct God’s people and maintain health by staying focused on the main things. Take a minute and read the Core Values we hold dearly here at Light in the Desert Church.


The gospel is the ‘good news’ that God has graciously provided a way for sinful people to have a right, loving relationship with Him. He left heaven, came to earth, lived a perfect life, and died in our place. Miraculously He rose from the dead to demonstrate victory over sin, death, and the devil — all who in repentance turn from their sin and in faith confess Jesus as their Lord are given eternal life. The on-going aspect of salvation will continue for the rest of a person’s life; therefore, the gospel is for every day.


Scripture is our authoritative guide for all we believe and do. It is the centerpiece of all our gatherings and drives our life together. Because of this core value, we make it a regular habit to teach through books of the Bible during our Sunday gathering.


Discipleship means helping each other to know and follow God more. We strive to intentionally be in each other’s lives so that we can build healthy, transparent relationships to help one another have greater faith in Christ.

Outward focused

As the gospel increasingly changes us, we strive to make an impact on the world around us and share the hope of Jesus that we so desperately depend on, to all peoples. We yearn to engage people in spiritual conversations, demonstrate the love of Christ through acts of mercy, and live in such a way that God will draw people to salvation through our words and deeds. We will leverage all we have to accomplish our mission.


We are a generationally diverse area, and therefore, we should be a generationally diverse local gathering. Not only should we reflect our community, but the Bible places emphasis on all generations investing in each other. We need each other to remain faithful to God. The church needs wisdom from faithful men and women who have weathered the storms of difficulty, and the fresh energy of youth to accomplish the call of Titus 2.