Brothers and Sisters,

I do hope you have found 1 Corinthians to be both encouraging and challenging.  Sunday we explored (click here to listen) how God’s wisdom is witnessed in perceived weakness.  What the world perceives is weak and foolish about God is actually the power of God.  “For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God” (1 Cor 1:18).  AMEN!


Sunday Studies

This Sunday (Sept 22nd) we will start a new Sunday Study called Our Life Together.  If you have never attended a Sunday Study, let me take this moment to encourage you to mark your calendar and plan on attending.  This particular study will be a great first experience to Sunday Studies and a fantastic way to see what they are designed to accomplish.  If you want to know more about Sunday Studies, click here to read a description and see below for an explanation to this Sunday’s Study.

Jesus’ death and resurrection provide the foundation for unity, not only with God but also with God’s people. This unity is so distinct that Jesus based the credibility of his mission upon it. In this class, we will discuss how to preserve and enjoy harmony in the church, enabling us by God’s grace to be the type of church everyone longs for.