Church Family,

What a wonderful Sunday together as we concluded The Flood account in Genesis six through nine.  Though it was the end of that specific account, it really is just the beginning of the rest of Genesis.  Why do I say this?  It’s because God establishes a covenant with Noah.  Like any good story, the conclusion states a new reality, a new setting.  God establishes a covenant He will remain faithful to throughout the entirety of Scripture.  It’s a clear and concise glimpse of God’s faithfulness to His people despite their sin.  This wonderful act of God, covenant-making, carries His faithfulness throughout scripture and should cause us, much like Noah, to worship and, in full obedience, enjoy His commandments (Gen 9:1-7).


God in Fullness

There will be no lecture this week in our God in Fullness series.  Enjoy your Thanksgiving!



What Christmas represents for God’s people is far greater than one can contemplate for just one day.  The portraits of Jesus given to us through the gospels are rich with different perspectives upon the God-man and require us to muse upon each with great anticipation.  This Advent season, join us as we look at the coming of Christ from each gospel account, learning and admiring our savior who took flesh.  In doing so, our hope will increase, our peace will settle us, our joy will abound, the love of God will be on display in multiple ways, and our longing for Christ’s return will comfort us.

  • November 29th – Matthew 1 / Deliverer
  • December 6th – Mark 1 / Powerful
  • December 13th – Luke 1-2 / Bearer of Burdens
  • December 20th – John 1 / Divine