Church Family,

I do hope you all are well and healthy.  This year has been a tough one for us all in many different ways.  In light of that, we must capture every moment we can to fill our minds and hearts with the truth of God, especially as it relates to Jesus.  What better time than the Christmas Season!  We want to muse upon the God-man this year during Advent to set our hope upon a solid foundation, to place our peace upon His victory, to feel joy in Him bearing our burdens with us, and experience His love in Him becoming man.  This past Sunday, we explored Matthew’s opening of his gospel account to see Jesus Christ as our deliverer.  Not just any deliverer, but the one who would deliverer us from our greatest enemy, sin (Matthew 1:21).  What a timely reminder.  God’s greatest promise is not deliverance from illness, circumstance, nor tough times, but rather a deliverance from everlasting ruin to everlasting life, from everlasting misery to everlasting joy!


Let Us Pray

This Wednesday will be our last Let Us Pray.  We are making a slight adjustment this week and moving from in-person to zoom only (link:  As many of you know, Sandy Talbot is in the hospital with COVID.  She is not doing well, so we will spend the bulk of our time praying for her and her family.  There are seasons of life where God’s people must heavily lean in to pray.  This is one of those times.  Brothers and Sisters, 2020 has been tough, and if we ever expect to navigate all the difficulties well, we must pray and pray often—plan on joining us at 6:30 pm.