Church Family,

As we approach Christmas Day, I hope our time this Advent has given you much to rejoice over during the Christmas Season.  Though hardships abound, let us not forget that we have a God who took on flesh identifying with our troubles to lift us from the devastating effects of sin.  This past Sunday, Luke reminded us through the perspective of the lowly that God came to us in our junk and willingly stepped into the mess of our lives.  This generates joy, especially in the first few chapters of Luke.  Joy is our response to the baby born in a stable.  Brothers and Sisters, joy is ours this season despite the overwhelming amount of pain, uncertainty, difficulty, and trouble this year has caused. “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.” (Luke 2:10)


Christmas Eve

As with many things this year, our Christmas Eve gathering will be a little different.  Instead of gathering in-person, we will gather online.  We ask that you grab your family on Christmas Eve and make your way to our Facebook page to engage in a guided time together.  The live video will start at 4 pm.  We encourage everyone to make plans to view the video at 4 pm, but if you are unable at that time, the video will remain on Facebook indefinitely to view it at your leisure.

Lottie Moon

As many of you know, the Talbot family has asked that in lieu of flowers and cards that we give to the Lottie Moon Christmas offering on behalf of Sandy.  What a great way to honor her life!  Sandy loved the gospel and desired all to hear it.  All contributions will go to international missions.  You can give to that here


Grace and Peace,

Pastor Bryan