Church Family,
It’s been such a joy to focus our attention the past four Sundays on the God-man, on God taking flesh. This past Sunday, we looked at John’s account of Jesus. John soars to great heights in considering Jesus’ divine nature. He begins his gospel account by telling us that He, Jesus, has no beginning (John 1:1)! This is unique compared to the other gospel accounts and gives us a high and lofty view of the God-man. He is no ordinary person; therefore, we should trust Him as the definitive Word and follow Him in obedience as our light that leads to life. This Friday, might we rejoice in the goodness of God seen in Jesus. God the Son took His splendor, His majesty, His glory and veiled it with flesh to be with us and bring salvation to His people (John 1:14). Amen!
Christmas Eve
As with most things in 2020, our Christmas Eve gathering will look a little different. So different that it will actually be online only. This format is not our favorite but does allow us to encourage you to engage more specifically than normal. The video walks through singing, scripture reading, then a small message on that scripture, and lastly, gives space for you and those with you to discuss a directed question. The video will go live on Facebook and Youtube at 4 pm on Thursday, Christmas Eve.
Jefferson Elementary
We are collecting items for Jefferson Elementary for the next few weeks to help them serve their students well. There will be a basket in the foyer for you to drop in your donations. Here is the list of items: disinfectant (any), hand sanitizer, paper towels, and mask.
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Bryan