Church Family,

What an instructive time together as we dove into the next section of 1 Timothy this past Sunday.  The aim of Timothy’s difficult work in Ephesus is love (1 Tim 1:5).  Love is the aim of the charge he must give to the false teachers.  This does not mean avoiding the truth in the correction or watering down their wrong teachings, but rather stating the wrong plainly out of love for them, not for the love of conflict.  How does one aim at love in confrontation?  Well, Paul instructs Timothy to evaluate his own heart before he gives himself to the tough task of confrontation.  This is because love, according to Paul, issues from a pure heart, good conscience, and a sincere faith.  The greater work, it seems, is self-evaluation through the lens of the gospel.  This will ensure that love for them and God’s truth will guide the confrontation.  If there is ever a hope that others will heed the charge, it must be done in love, and love comes from the radical work of the gospel in a person’s heart.



The past year and a half were difficult, and the constant unsurety was unsettling.  But just when we began to think it was all behind us, another surge creeps up, creating greater controversy and exciting more “theories.”  These things have the potential to derail all that we have gained throughout the difficult days of 2020 and draw us into useless speculations.  I’ve been so encouraged and grateful for a church family that navigated all the madness with grace, mercy, and peace, so let’s not stop now.  There will continue to be many views and thoughts about what is and what is not appropriate in response to COVID.  Let’s bring them all to God’s authoritative word and let it guide our thoughts of the world, of each other, and our circumstances.  We cannot let speculation guide us.  It will lead to vain discussion and unhealthy views of each other and render us useless.

Desert Kids

Parents, here is the Family Packet for August.  I hope you have been able to enjoy good conversations with your children and reflected together on the truths of God’s Word more frequently.


Grace and Peace,

Pastor Bryan