Genesis | Light in the Desert Church

Church Family,

This past Sunday, we dove back into the wonderful book of Genesis.  Since starting this series, it has been a joy to see the beginning of all creation and to understand our origins.  In doing so, we can make sense of the world around us and better understand God’s redemptive work throughout history.  I look forward to the coming months as we begin to see the formation of God’s people specifically.  We will continue to see the struggle of faith, the effects of Sin, and a Sovereign God working providentially despite it all.  I hope you will find our time studying the beginning very fruitful for the present.

Get the Vision

We cannot be more excited about this historical moment for Light in the Desert Church as we move to a plurality of Elders.  We’ve studied scripture, prayed often, and discussed together to arrive at this pivotal time in our life together.  It all culminates this coming Sunday, January 9, at 4 pm as we discuss and approve new bylaws that reflect our collective conviction of Elder-lead, Deacon-served, and Congregational-ruled.

Sunday Studies

As a refresher and encouragement to attend, let me explain Sunday Studies.  Sunday Studies are designed to tackle tough theological and cultural issues with a desire to help us love God supremely, love others sacrificially, and share hope through the gospel of Jesus Christ to all peoples.  They typically last about seven weeks but are strategically set up to join at any point.  Each lesson does not require being at the previous.  They begin at 9 am, so set your alarm a little earlier and prep the night before to attend.

International Missions Offering

Each Advent season, we collect a mission offering where 100% of what is collected goes to international mission work.  This year, as in years past, you all gave generously.  Let me say thank you and how much of a joy it is to serve such generous people.  Each and every dollar will aid in gospel work across the world.  The final total was $3,440.00!!


Grace and Peace,

Pastor Bryan