Church Family,

This past Sunday we spent our time in Psalm 30, which David wrote for the dedication of the Temple but is also fit for any moment of gathering in the house of the Lord. It highlights the permanence of God’s glory, especially in contrast with the fleeting moments of our prosperity. It also highlights God’s faithfulness to his people. While the life of a believer surely involves suffering, that suffering inevitably gives way to joy. God turns our mourning to dancing, as David puts it. Ultimately Psalm 30 shows that we can have tremendous confidence in the Lord our God, and it calls us, not just individually but together as a unified voice, to respond in a bold outpouring of praise.

Kids Camp

Kids Camp is now less than a week away. If you are signed up as a volunteer please plan on attending a meeting this upcoming Sunday immediately after the main service. That meeting will involve handing out roles for Kids Camp and providing any necessary instruction for those roles. As you continue to pray for Kids Camp we ask that you would specifically pray for the kids who will attend and their families. Pray that they will develop good relationships with our volunteers and, more importantly, that they would hear the Gospel clearly and be transformed by that truth.

Grace be with you,

Logan Murphy

Pastoral Intern