Church Family,

This past Sunday guest preacher Brandon Reimus walked us through Psalm 34. This psalm highlights God’s persistent goodness as seen in his love towards his people. It does not claim that God’s people will not face hardship, in fact it argues the exact opposite. Still, God will meet the needs of his people in those hardships. We can be certain of this by looking back at how God has provided for us and others in the past. Even if hardship persists to our deathbed, we can trust in the ultimate provision that is eternal life in the coming Kingdom of God.

Christian Challenge

Starting in the Fall semester, Light in the Desert will be leading the Christian Challenge ministry on ASU’s Polytech campus. Christian Challenge is a ministry organization focused on bringing the Gospel to Arizona’s college campuses and connecting students to local churches for discipleship and service. We plan to establish a consistent on-campus presence at Polytech by tabling to spark Gospel conversations and having regular Bible studies on campus. We also plan to connect the students we reach back to Light in the Desert so they would reap the benefits of the church gathering and of discipling relationships. This past Sunday Brandon Reimus, the director of Christian Challenge at the Tempe ASU campus, took a few minutes to tell us about why this ministry is so valuable to both students and churches. If you weren’t there to hear it we would highly recommend you check out our sermon feed to at least listen to that portion of Brandon’s time with us. We would also strongly encourage everyone to be regularly praying that this new ministry effort would be fruitful and life-giving.

Grace be with you,

Logan Murphy

Pastoral Intern