Church Family,

This past Sunday in Acts we once again encountered the theme of signs and wonders as we worked through the stories of two miracles. The first was the healing of a paralyzed man named Aeneas. The second was the resurrection of a woman named Tabitha who had died of an illness. The details of these miracles make it clear that their primary purpose was to point to the authority and supremacy of Christ over all creation. Aeneas was specifically told “Jesus Christ heals you” and the resurrection of Tabitha mirrored details from when Jesus resurrected a young girl as recorded in Matthew 9, such as sending the crowd out from the house and taking the deceased by the hand. While we may not find ourselves performing many miracles, we can certainly live out each day such that our very lives point to the supremacy and authority of Christ in much the same way. If we give due credit to Jesus for the spiritual fruit we bear and continually seek to imitate Him it will be a strong witness to the world around us and give tremendous glory to God.

Elder Candidacy

Just as a reminder, we will be voting on Brian Murphy as an elder candidate on Sunday, October 20th. We continue to encourage you to seek him out and get to know him well in the meanwhile, especially if you have any concerns about his candidacy. We also encourage you to pray and seek guidance from the Holy Spirit on this matter. This vote is important to our church so it is important that our members are able to approach this vote with a high degree of confidence.

Fall Break

Being that most schools are on fall break next week and we will likely have a number of families out of town, we will not be having our usual Wednesday night activities on October 9th. If you are around, consider using that evening to share a meal with someone else from church.

Grace be with you,

Logan Murphy

Pastoral Intern