Church Family,

This past Sunday in our series in Acts, we read of Peters return to Jerusalem where he was accosted by the Jewish believers. These believers criticized him for joining in fellowship with Gentiles who were unclean according to the law of the Old Testament. But Peter told these believers of his vision in which he was commanded to partake of unclean foods by the voice of God declaring, “what God has made clean, do not call common.” What’s more, the Holy Spirit descended upon the Gentile believers just as He had descended upon the Jewish believers. These Gentiles had been changed by the work of Jesus; Jesus had made them clean. It did not matter that the Jewish believers had not expected the salvation of Gentiles. All that mattered was that God had called them to salvation. Let us not be as the Jewish believers initially were, denying the possibility of salvation to those we deem unworthy. Rather, let us gladly share the Gospel with all and respond as the Jewish believers eventually responded, rejoicing as the kingdom of God grows beyond our expectations.

Elder Vote

This upcoming Sunday we will be voting on whether or not to affirm Brian Murphy as a new elder of Light in the Desert Church. If you have not taken the opportunity to get to know him and settle any questions you have about him being an elder, be sure to reach out to him in these next few days. Also, members, be especially sure to show up this Sunday to take part in this important decision for our church. This is an important opportunity to practice biblical church membership by taking part in ensuring the health of Light in the Desert Church.

Wednesday Nights

We are resuming our regular Wednesday night activities after our brief fall break. As I am writing this our women’s study, men’s study, and disciple makers classes start in just over an hour, so hopefully this post finds you in time. If not, it is at least a valuable reminder to be ready for next week. Let this also be an encouragement to start attending these activities even if you have not done so before. Everyone is welcome to jump in at any point; these classes are sure to be fruitful even if you can only make it to as little as one of them.

Grace be with you,

Logan Murphy,

Pastoral Intern