Church Family,
This past Sunday in our series in Acts we came to the start of Paul’s first missionary journey. The Holy Spirit spoke in the midst of prayer and worship and, seemingly with no hesitation, both Paul and Barnabas set out in obedience to the Spirit. Upon reaching Cyprus, they met a false prophet who opposed them and sought to use his influence to turn people away from the Gospel. Paul wasted no time in calling this false prophet out as an enemy of righteousness. The false prophet was struck with a temporary blindness, much like Paul had been at his conversion, so that he might need others to lead him instead of him continuing to lead others astray. Church, let us pray that we would have Paul’s boldness in refuting false teaching and that as we speak in truth people would be blinded to the crooked ways of unrighteousness and see only the straight path of the Gospel.
Road Rally
This upcoming Sunday, November 17th, is our church-wide Road Rally. If you have been part of one of these in the past you surely know how much fun they are. If you have not done one before, well there’s only one way to find out just what they’re like. Either way, be sure to set aside the time that afternoon to participate in this thrilling event.
Thanksgiving Potluck
We will be having our annual Thanksgiving potluck on Sunday, November 24th at 4:00 p.m. This meal has been a regular source of encouragement at Light in the Desert for years now as we are able to share a wonderful meal and share the ways we have seen God’s faithful providence at work in our lives. If you plan on attending please sign up on the sheet in the foyer. Also, as you sign up to bring food, we would encourage you to check what other people have signed up to bring as man does not live on pumpkin pie alone.
Grace be with you,
Logan Murphy
Pastoral Intern