Church Family,
This past Sunday, as we continued our series in Acts, we encountered a moment in the early church that was notably lacking our usual main characters. The story centered around a man named Apollos who was especially capable and eager to demonstrate that Jesus is the very messiah described in the Old Testament. His efforts were bolstered by Priscilla and Aquila who were able to identify shortcomings in Apollos’ teaching and provide him helpful correction, which he humbly received. What’s more, Priscilla and Aquila encouraged Apollos to continue on to minister in another city and wrote ahead so that the church would receive him gladly when he arrived. Church, these are the regular efforts of regular Christians engaging in evangelism, discipleship, and care. These are God’s people seeing to the responsibilities God has given us. Let us never believe that we have no role to play in God’s plan because we consider ourselves insignificant or ill-equipped. Rather, let us equip and encourage one another through faithful application of Scripture, and stir one another up to the good works to which God has called each and every one of us.
New Sunday Studies
This upcoming Sunday we will begin a new series on the Holy Spirit in our 9:00 a.m. Sunday Studies class. If you have not joined us for Sunday Studies before, it is a class where we pick a topic and work our way through it over several weeks in a way that centers around a lot of group discussion. Topics can include somewhat abstract theological concepts, like this upcoming series on the Holy Spirit, as well as highly practical concepts like the series we just finished on evangelism. Even if you aren’t able to be there every week, these classes are easy to jump into at any time so we highly encourage you to join us at 9:00 any Sunday morning you are able.
Parenting Conference
Just a reminder that the parenting conference we have been promoting is coming up soon and the end of early bird pricing is coming up even sooner. As I am writing this there are two more days to register at a discounted price. If you are interested in attending this conference and would like more information click the link here, and please let Brooke Murphy know if you are planning to attend so we can make sure to save seats for everyone and potential organize some carpool options.
Grace be with you,
Logan Murphy
Pastoral Intern