Church Family,
This past Sunday, as we continued our series in Acts, we read of Paul’s journey to and arrival in Jerusalem. The time leading up to his arrival was ominous to say the least. Not only had countless brothers and sisters discouraged Paul from continuing to Jerusalem, a prophet came before Paul with his hands and feet bound saying that Paul likewise would be bound by the Jews in Jerusalem. Paul, however, was not discouraged by all this, though not because he thought the foretold suffering was untrue or even exaggerated. In fact, Paul himself had told the Ephesians that the only thing he knew for sure about going to Jerusalem was that he was going to suffer. Yet he pressed onward in obedience, led by the Holy Spirit. His concern was not first for his comfort or even his safety, but rather for the name of Jesus and the spread of the Gospel. Church, let us be encouraged by Paul’s example to freely let go of our own comfort for the sake of serving God, however he may call us to do so.
Church Game Night
We will be having another church game night next Friday, April 4th. If you have not joined us for a game night before I genuinely cannot recommend it enough. These events are not simply enjoyable, they are downright joyful as we spend this time enjoying the good gift God has given us in our church family. Feel free to bring your own games and to invite friends. We hope to see you there.
Easter Schedule
Easter is just around the corner, and with it comes a few small changes to our usual schedule. On Good Friday we will have an evening service at 6:00. On Easter Sunday we will have our 10:15 morning service as usual, but rather than being preceded by our usual Sunday Studies, we will have a fellowship hour starting at 9:00.
Grace be with you,
Logan Murphy
Pastoral Intern