Church Family,

This past Sunday in our series through Acts we encountered a tremendous outburst of persecution against the early church. King Herod (of the lineage of other infamous King Herods) had a handful of Christians killed. When he found it increased his popularity with his Jewish subjects he sought to further his public image by arresting Peter. The night before Peter was to be killed, God sent an angel to rescue him and he made his way back to the other believers. This was a (literally) unbelievable display of God’s provision for his people. Still, it came in the context of all the suffering Peter already endured in prison, the ongoing threat of persecution, and the death of other believers. Church, we simply cannot know what we will be asked to endure for the sake of our faith. We may give up financial stability. We may be perpetual social outsiders. We may dive headlong into perilous circumstances for the sake of bringing the light of the Gospel to dark places. Certainly we will be ridiculed by the unbelieving world for choosing to live in ways that are plainly impractical. Still, we have a purpose and a hope that far outshines anything this world has to offer.

Thanksgiving Potluck

We will be having our annual Thanksgiving potluck  on Sunday, November 24th at 4:00 p.m. This meal has been a regular source of encouragement at Light in the Desert for years now as we are able to share a wonderful meal and share the ways we have seen God’s faithful providence at work in our lives. If you plan on attending please sign up on the sheet in the foyer. Also, as you sign up to bring food, we would encourage you to check what other people have signed up to bring as man does not live on pumpkin pie alone.

Sunday Studies

This past Sunday we started a new series in our Sunday Studies class. We are looking to have an extended conversation around famously comfortable topics like government and authority. Our aim is not to prescribe a particular voting pattern but rather to uncover a biblical framework for thinking about these topics in a way that is not limited to the voting booth but speaks more broadly to issues like how to live as faithful Christians under government authority and where to put our greatest hope. These conversations are extremely important to our life together as a church, so please be sure to join us over the next several Sundays at 9 a.m.

Grace be with you,

Logan Murphy

Pastoral Intern