Church Family,
This past Sunday, as we continued our series in Acts, we came to Paul’s famous apologetic speech before the Areopagus in Acts 17. While this passage surely has much to teach us about engaging with a culture that, much like the Athenians of Paul’s day, thinks it can reason its way through the most essential questions of life, it seems worth spending just a short while in this blog considering how we ourselves ought to be convicted by Paul’s words. How often do we get caught up in worldly wisdom and neglect the teachings of Scripture? How often do we try to shape God into something convenient for our sinful priorities or even just something we find easy to understand, rather than seeing Him as He has revealed Himself to us in His Word? How often do we lose ourselves in the pursuit of pleasure, forgetting the clear command to seek God? God has made himself known to us so we have no excuse to do anything besides pursue Him wholeheartedly.
Parenting Conference
With the Phoenix area being such a major population center, we get a lot of great conferences near by and we like to highlight some that may be especially worth your attention. This April, The Gospel Coalition’s Arizona chapter will be hosting a parenting conference at Trinity Bible Church in Phoenix. This conference aims to give parents a biblical approach to cutting through competing world-views and distractions to effectively reach the hearts of their children. If you are interested in attending this conference and would like more information click the link here. There is a discounted early bird rate for the conference but only until February 28th, so sign up soon if you plan on attending.
Grace be with you,
Logan Murphy
Pastoral Intern