Church Family,

This past Sunday, as we continued our series in Acts, we examined Paul’s speech to the elders of the church in Ephesus. Much of what Paul had to say was dire and difficult. Paul’s ongoing work would involve imprisonment and affliction. He would not return to see the church in Ephesus again. After he left, the Ephesians would face an onslaught of false teachers seeking to destroy true belief. Yet the greater tone of Paul’s speech was joyful confidence, for he had seen the faithfulness of the Ephesians in their care for him and his traveling companions. What’s more, he knew that in the midst of the coming difficulty the Word of God would lead the Ephesians to grow all the more in their faithfulness. Church, this is the very Word we have today. Let us join with our brothers and sisters of that ancient church of Ephesus in taking up that Word with joyful confidence that it would grow us in our faithfulness in the face of every trial.

Members’ Meeting

We will have our quarterly members’ meeting at 2:00 p.m. this upcoming Sunday, March 23. These meetings are an important part of church membership. They are an opportunity to stay informed on what is happening in the church, to pray for the church, and even to welcome new members into the church, so be sure to set aside time that afternoon to be part of that meeting. Also, consider using that window between the end of service and the start of the meeting to have lunch with a fellow church member, or even several fellow church members. Even if it is just a matter of grabbing leftovers from home and meeting at a park, the time we get to spend in each other’s lives is invaluable and we should be eager to jump on the opportunities that arise.

Grace be with you,

Logan Murphy

Pastoral Intern