Hosanna in the Highest!

This past Sunday we began our long lead-in to Easter by looking at Palm Sunday as it is described in Matthew 21:1-11. Pastor Bryan put particular emphasis on the cry of “hosanna” repeated by the crowd that gathered as Jesus entered Jerusalem. This cry is a...

Leaders Who Lead Us to Christ

Church Family, This past Sunday concluded a wonderful sermon series of walking slowly and studiously through the book of Hebrews. In the final verse of this book we see what good and godly leadership looks like, the value of such leadership, and how we should respond...

Personal Sacrifice for the Glory of God

Church Family, This past Sunday we looked at Hebrews 13:1-6, in which the author of Hebrews gives instructions regarding five different aspects of the life of the church: Love for those inside the church Hospitality for those outside the church Care for those who are...

The Church as a Stronghold of Faithfulness

Church Family, This past Sunday, Pastor Bryan walked us through Hebrews 12:12-29. In this passage we were reminded that one of the purposes of the Church as a God-given institution is to preserve believers in life-long faith. This support from the Church is an...

The News Blog is Back!

Church Family, One of our priorities as we begin our pastoral internship program is to bring back our weekly news blog, as evidenced by the existence of this very post. Our intent is that this would not only be a useful tool for keeping up with all the goings-on of...