
Church Family, We are in the home stretch of 2021!  This year, we have truly seen God’s grace in some real, measurable ways.  At the close of 2021, we have 41 members, celebrated three baptisms, and continue to move towards a plurality of elders.  What a year!...


Church Family, I hope this holiday season has been filled with a greater sense of all we have in Jesus Christ.  Let’s be reminded this Christmas that we have hope, joy, peace, and love because of the first coming of Christ long ago in a manger.  In all the...

The Righteous Judge

Church Family, It was wonderful to be back this past Sunday!  I’m thankful for all the prayers and encouragement we received during our recovery.  This past Sunday, we examined Psalm 9 and found that it directs us towards the Lord, our Righteous Judge, who...


Church Family, It has been an interesting week! We are grateful for all your prayers and encouraging words over the last few days. We all are recovering well and feeling much better. This past Sunday, as I watched from home, I was thankful for God’s grace and...

As For You…

Church Family, This past Sunday, we were encouraged to consider many areas of our lives.  The instruction was twofold, flee and then pursue.  Because of the gospel, we can flee unhealthy habits and thinking and are empowered to pursue godliness.  Logan reminded us...