
Church Family, What an instructive time together as we dove into the next section of 1 Timothy this past Sunday.  The aim of Timothy’s difficult work in Ephesus is love (1 Tim 1:5).  Love is the aim of the charge he must give to the false teachers.  This does...


Church Family, Last Sunday, we began looking at 1 Timothy through the first two verses (1 Timothy 1:1-2).  With one long sentence, Paul encourages Timothy and reminds him that God the Father and Christ Jesus are the sources of church work.  Timothy’s work in...

True Confession

Church Family, We only have two more weeks in the book of Psalms.  I do hope you will continue to read and reflect upon this wonderful book for years to come.  As I’ve studied each week, it has become apparent why this book has served God’s people for...

Continued Mercies

Church Family, I do hope your week has been full of God’s continued mercies.  As we saw this last Sunday (Thanks, Jared!), suffering will be a part of our lives.  Whether it’s at the hands of others or our own doing, suffering will come.  David, though...