True Confession

Church Family, We only have two more weeks in the book of Psalms.  I do hope you will continue to read and reflect upon this wonderful book for years to come.  As I’ve studied each week, it has become apparent why this book has served God’s people for...

Continued Mercies

Church Family, I do hope your week has been full of God’s continued mercies.  As we saw this last Sunday (Thanks, Jared!), suffering will be a part of our lives.  Whether it’s at the hands of others or our own doing, suffering will come.  David, though...

Salvation Belongs to the Lord

Church Family, This past Sunday, Psalm 3 helped us deal with what we all go through, difficult times.  King David is in the midst of a revolt led by his son Absalom.  This is no small protest against his rule; it’s many who have been swayed by the King’s...

Kiss The Son

Church Family, This summer, we’ve endeavored to work our way through the first eight Psalms, and I cannot be more thankful!  As I read, re-read, and study each week, my heart sings, my soul is soothed, and my affections burn brighter.  Last Sunday, we learned...