Christ Our Hope in Life and Death

Church Family, This past Sunday in our series through Acts we encountered a tremendous outburst of persecution against the early church. King Herod (of the lineage of other infamous King Herods) had a handful of Christians killed. When he found it increased his...

What (or Who) God has Made Clean

Church Family, This past Sunday in our series in Acts, we read of Peters return to Jerusalem where he was accosted by the Jewish believers. These believers criticized him for joining in fellowship with Gentiles who were unclean according to the law of the Old...

Putting Christ on Display

Church Family, This past Sunday in Acts we once again encountered the theme of signs and wonders as we worked through the stories of two miracles. The first was the healing of a paralyzed man named Aeneas. The second was the resurrection of a woman named Tabitha who...

Persecution, Pursuit, and Peace

Church Family, This past Sunday, as we continued our journey through the book of Acts, our attention was once again directed towards Saul. Given the fervor with which he began preaching the Gospel, it did not take long after Saul’s conversion for him to become...

Blinded for the Sake of Sight

Church Family, As we continued our series in Acts this past Sunday the story opened on a figure we have already encountered in this book, Saul. Saul had given his approval for the execution of Stephen, and now he was seeking authority from the synagogues to persecute...