Two Paths

Church Family, This past Sunday, we explored the two paths Proverbs puts before us.  It uniquely does this by personifying the choices; Lady Wisdom and Lady Folly.  Lady Wisdom’s speech consumes a large number of verses, while Lady Folly’s speech is short,...

Vain Is The Net

Church Family, I do hope you all are well.  We are hopeful that we will be able to gather again soon.  The Leadership Team and I are considering everything to make decisions that will best serve us all and ultimately honor the Lord.  We are, like Proverbs, beginning...


Church Family, I do hope you all are well.  This past Sunday, we began our series in the book of Proverbs.  We discovered the impressive work Proverbs could do in our lives.  It can make us wise, give instructions on life, direct our interactions with each other, and...

Friendly Reminder

Church Family, This is just a friendly reminder of our Sunday Virtual Gathering tomorrow at 10 am.  There are several ways to participate: Facebook – this is the simplest and probably the best way.   All you have to do is go to our Facebook page at 10 am and...

Be Watchful

Church Family, I hope you were as encouraged as I was this past Sunday.  Our journey through the book of 1 Corinthians has been needed and timely.  1 Corinthians 16 was an excellent summary to challenge us as we part ways with this book.  It reminded us of the great...