Trust or Bust!

Church Family, This past Sunday, we were reminded that following God requires tremendous trust on our part.  Whatever the decision, issue, circumstance, or tragedy trust in the Lord when we don’t fully understand is best.  This certainly is not easy, but...

Beyond The Sermon Podcast

Church Family, I am happy to announce the first episode of our first-ever podcast titled Beyond The Sermon.  One of our deep convictions around here is to let God’s preached Word, reverberate, to echo, to work its way into our daily lives beyond Sunday morning.  This...

Valuable Wisdom

Church Family, What another great Sunday it was gleaning insight from Proverbs.  The loving instructions the father gives to his son in Proverbs reminds us, as God’s children, how He has and continues to instruct us with love.  Often those instructions come...

Two Paths

Church Family, This past Sunday, we explored the two paths Proverbs puts before us.  It uniquely does this by personifying the choices; Lady Wisdom and Lady Folly.  Lady Wisdom’s speech consumes a large number of verses, while Lady Folly’s speech is short,...

Vain Is The Net

Church Family, I do hope you all are well.  We are hopeful that we will be able to gather again soon.  The Leadership Team and I are considering everything to make decisions that will best serve us all and ultimately honor the Lord.  We are, like Proverbs, beginning...