by lightinthedesertchurch | Mar 19, 2020 | News, Replant
Church Family, Tomorrow at 6 pm, we are going to try and get together by using Zoom (it can be used on your computer, smartphone, or tablet). Since we can’t gather physically, this is our next best option, so we thought, why not do a test run! If you...
by lightinthedesertchurch | Mar 18, 2020 | News, Replant
Church Family, I hope the consistent communication is not overwhelming to you but instead helping you stay connected. I wanted briefly to give a few suggestions on what to do during this time. Check Facebook and the news blog regularly. Facebook is our primary way...
by lightinthedesertchurch | Mar 17, 2020 | News, Replant
Church Family, I hope you all are doing well and are healthy. It is with a prayerful heart and eagerness to serve us all well that I want to make you aware that we will not gather for the rest of March. That means Disciple-Makers on Wednesday night, Sunday Studies...
by lightinthedesertchurch | Mar 12, 2020 | News, Replant, Uncategorized
Church Family, As the week has progressed, the concern about the effects and prevention of the coronavirus have grown rapidly. As I sit here in our hotel room on vacation, my email and social media feeds continue to fill up with a variety of responses, from no...
by lightinthedesertchurch | Jan 29, 2020 | News, Replant
Church Family, The number one question we often get is, “How do I get connected?” This is an essential question for any member, anywhere, at any church. This is because one of the greatest pursuits for us as Christians is maturity in Christ. Growth is...