by lightinthedesertchurch | Sep 2, 2019 | News, Replant
Church Family, This post is the final installment on our discussion of measures of a healthy church. The last measure we use to determine health is a willingness to share hope through the gospel of Jesus Christ to all peoples. God has and will always care about all...
by lightinthedesertchurch | Aug 26, 2019 | News, Replant
Brothers and Sisters, This week we will discuss our second measure of health: Love others sacrificially. In the same conversation (discussed last week) where Jesus was asked to summarize the entire law, he gives a second command, “You shall love your neighbor as...
by lightinthedesertchurch | Aug 21, 2019 | News, Replant
Church Family, This past Sunday, we announced that on Wednesday, September 4th we will have an information night about our first ever Disciple-Makers Class. Disciple-Makers is designed to help equip and encourage a follower of Christ to fulfill their responsibility of...
by lightinthedesertchurch | Aug 19, 2019 | News, Replant
Church Family, Last week we posed the question of, “What are proper measures that a church, primarily the people, are becoming healthy?” Another way to put it is, “How are we going to measure the mission God has given us to make disciples?”...
by lightinthedesertchurch | Aug 12, 2019 | News, Replant
Brothers and Sisters, In a world of drive-thrus and Amazon Prime, we have grown rather impatient. We can, at times (especially in a replant), believe that growth should only focus on money and numbers, and it should happen quickly. We are such an impatient people...