Faithful Then, Now, and Forever

Church Family, This past Sunday guest preacher Brandon Reimus walked us through Psalm 34. This psalm highlights God’s persistent goodness as seen in his love towards his people. It does not claim that God’s people will not face hardship, in fact it argues...

Praise to the Only Everlasting

Church Family, This past Sunday we looked at Psalm 33. This psalm clearly establishes that the Lord alone is our rescue. The laws and structures of even the greatest nations cannot be our rescue; they are subject to the will of God which alone stands forever. The...

Blessedness and Sorrow

Church Family, This past Sunday we looked at Psalm 32 which centers around a clear point and counterpoint. First, it tells us “blessed is the one whose transgression is forgiven.” There is a true and utterly unique joy that comes from receiving the...

Preserved by His Steadfast Love

Church Family, This past Sunday we spent our time in Psalm 31, one of David’s lament psalms. This psalm indicates that David was facing the dreadful experience of being slandered and being rejected for that slander. David responds by asking that God would...

He Turns Our Mourning To Dancing

Church Family, This past Sunday we spent our time in Psalm 30, which David wrote for the dedication of the Temple but is also fit for any moment of gathering in the house of the Lord. It highlights the permanence of God’s glory, especially in contrast with the...