Blind To Truth That Is Right Before Us

Church Family, As we work our way through Matthew’s account of Passion Week, this past Sunday brought us to Good Friday, the day on which Jesus was put on trial and crucified. Two charges were made against Jesus, that he claimed to be the Son of God and that he...

God is Sovereign Over Obedience and Rebellion

Church Family, This past Sunday in our series leading up to Easter we examined the Thursday of Passion Week. Here we found a story in three pieces that speaks of the breadth and the beauty of God’s sovereignty. The first piece of this story used the hospitality...

The Immeasurable Worth of Jesus

Church family, Continuing our slow march towards Easter, this past Sunday we looked at the Wednesday of Passion Week. Here we saw tremendous contrast between two figures: the unnamed woman who anointed Jesus with expensive oils and Judas who betrayed Jesus for thirty...

Wearing Our Tuesday Best

Church Family, This past Sunday we looked at the Tuesday of Passion Week. Being that this day spans the entirety of Matthew 21:19-25:46 and would likely have taken our entire gathering time simply to read the text, we narrowed in on the parable of the wedding feast in...

More Than Just Another Manic Monday

Church Family, This past Sunday we considered the Monday of Passion Week as portrayed in Matthew 21:12-22. Here we saw Jesus make repeated use of the Old Testament to commend those who were rightly praising Him as Lord, as well as to demonstrate the evil of false...