by lightinthedesertchurch | May 3, 2022 | News, Replant
Church Family, What a great Sunday together as we explored Genesis 46, which explains Jacob’s entrance into Egypt. By this point in the story of Genesis, many years have passed since God made a promise to Abraham (Gen 12). Though time has passed and people...
by lightinthedesertchurch | Apr 26, 2022 | News, Replant
Church Family, I hope you all have enjoyed our time in the book of Genesis. It’s been a joy studying and preparing each week. We are scheduled to finish up Genesis in four weeks, and then we will dive back into the book of Psalms for June and July. This...
by lightinthedesertchurch | Apr 13, 2022 | News, Replant
Church Family, I do hope you all are well. I want to invite all who receive this blog post to join us this weekend as we contemplate and celebrate the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. This week in our calendar, often referred to as Passion Week, captures...
by lightinthedesertchurch | Apr 6, 2022 | News, Replant, Uncategorized
Church Family, What a great time together this past Sunday. It was a joy to have Erik Naylor from Life Among the Nations share God’s Word with us and update us on what the Lord is doing at ASU amongst international students. Check out this link for more...
by lightinthedesertchurch | Apr 1, 2022 | News, Replant
Church Family, What a wonderful time together this past Sunday as we prayed, sang, read Scripture, and heard God’s Word preached. Genesis fills in so many details that the entire bible unpacks with its 66 books. It has been a joy to study the history of God...
by lightinthedesertchurch | Mar 15, 2022 | News, Replant
Church Family, As we continue to make our way through Genesis, we are beginning to see Joseph as the faithful one. Despite all the difficulties he faces, he is consistent and unwavering in his faith in God. This past Sunday, Joseph was faced with an opportunity to be...