by lightinthedesertchurch | Sep 1, 2021 | News, Replant
Church Family, Reading God’s Word is one of the most fruitful things we can do as Christians. So, it makes sense that during the Sunday Gathering, we would read God’s word, sing God’s word, pray God’s word, and preach God’s word. As we...
by lightinthedesertchurch | Aug 24, 2021 | News, Replant
Church Family, I do hope your week is off to a great start and that you are finding God’s presence to be joyous. We’ve been in 1 Timothy for four weeks, and already it has provided great insight into our life together as a church, and our life lived...
by lightinthedesertchurch | Aug 18, 2021 | News, Replant, Uncategorized
Church Family, When you consider your conversion, do you see God’s grace? Paul certainly did, and it spilled over into thankfulness (1 Tim 1:12). For Paul, God’s grace did not stop in his conversion but continued in calling him to ministry and filling...
by lightinthedesertchurch | Aug 11, 2021 | News, Replant
Church Family, What an instructive time together as we dove into the next section of 1 Timothy this past Sunday. The aim of Timothy’s difficult work in Ephesus is love (1 Tim 1:5). Love is the aim of the charge he must give to the false teachers. This does...
by lightinthedesertchurch | Aug 4, 2021 | News, Replant
Church Family, Last Sunday, we began looking at 1 Timothy through the first two verses (1 Timothy 1:1-2). With one long sentence, Paul encourages Timothy and reminds him that God the Father and Christ Jesus are the sources of church work. Timothy’s work in...
by lightinthedesertchurch | Jul 28, 2021 | News, Replant
Church Family, What a great Sunday as we finished our series in the book of Psalms. Psalm 8 was a wonderful way to conclude our time mining the depths of this tremendous book. It is and will always be overwhelming to consider ourselves in light of God’s...