Ain’t No Brakes on the Gospel Train

Church Family, This past Sunday, as we continued our series in Acts, we came across a moment in the early church where it looked like the wheels might be starting to fall off. Paul and Barnabas were preparing to return to the cities where they had previously preached...

Divine Answers to Human Questions

Church Family, This past Sunday, as we continued our series in Acts, we tackled a huge portion of narrative in chapter 15 spanning verses 1-35. Here we read about one of the most famous (or infamous) controversies of the early church: whether or not Gentile believers...

The Incarnation Shapes Our Confidence

Church Family, As we continued our advent series this past Sunday, we landed on a passage that may not be at the forefront of everyone’s minds around Christmas, though it undoubtedly speaks to the importance of what Christmas celebrates. 1 John 4:1-6 tells us...

The Light that Overcomes the Darkness

Church Family, This past Sunday, in our anticipation of Christmas, we spent our time in the first eighteen verses of the Gospel of John. While this book does eventually get into the ground-level narrative details of Jesus’ life on earth, these first eighteen...

Joy for the Humble and Lowly

Church Family, This past Sunday we stepped away from Acts for just a few weeks to start our series on advent –  looking forward to the celebration of Christ’s coming on Christmas. Turning to Luke’s account of Jesus’ birth we find a recurring...

A Sermon and a Stir

Church Family, This past Sunday we tackled a rather large portion of the narrative of Acts in which we saw Paul’s powerful sermon in Antioch and the response of the locals who heard him. Paul’s sermon laid out the history of Israel, how that whole history...