The Believer’s Crescendo

Church Family, The Lord has been gracious to us over the last several weeks through the encouragement He has provided in Romans eight.  This past Sunday, as we began the final section of this glorious chapter, we likened it to a crescendo.  Paul moves sound theology...

The Helper

Church Family, This past Sunday was a time of deep encouragement as we looked at how The Spirit helps us in our weakness (Romans 8:26-27).  He intercedes with us and for us in our broken and incoherent prayers.  He brings them to God in accordance with God’s...

Present Hope

Church Family, I do hope you all are well and enjoying God as your greatest source of comfort.  Sunday was a timely look at Romans 8:18-25 and provided truths that help sustain us during these uncertain times.  Unfortunate circumstances that bring suffering in various...

We are ones who must…

Church Family, I pray and hope the last two weeks have been profoundly encouraging to you all as we have been exploring Romans eight.  It has been described this way, “We are not dealing here with mere theology. As Paul wrote, his pen gave evidence that he was caught...

Biblical Gray Hair

Church Family, I hope you all are well.  As our series in Proverbs comes to a close, I pray you have been encouraged, strengthened, and convicted.  Proverbs has spoken in direct terms and given us a lot to consider when it comes to everyday life.  This past Sunday was...

Sunday (July 12, 2020)

Church Family, This is just a quick note to let everyone know that we will be on the regular schedule we’ve had for the last several weeks.  We will gather in person at 10 am with all the same restrictions in place.  We will continue to provide a Livestream on...