Christ at the Center of all Scripture

Church Family, This past Sunday, as we continued through the book of Acts, we looked at Peter’s sermon on the day of Pentecost after the sending of the Holy Spirit. In this sermon Peter proves that Jesus is the Christ who was foretold in passages like Psalms 16...

Working by the Power of the Holy Spirit

Church Family, Continuing through Acts, this past Sunday we looked at the moment of the sending of the Holy Spirit. To describe this moment as miraculous would be an understatement. The Holy Spirit made its presence known in a roaring sound and a brilliant image. The...

Sent Out Under Jesus’ Authority

Church Family, This past Sunday we began our new series in the book of Acts. This book covers the earliest days of Christianity as the Holy Spirit moved and worked through the apostles and other believers to spread the Gospel and build the Church. Before we see the...

Because He Lives

Church Family, This past Sunday was Easter, so we as a church made the bold decision to spend our morning considering the events of Resurrection Sunday. After what was surely a devastating Saturday on which it seemed all hope had been lost, Jesus’ followers...

Blind To Truth That Is Right Before Us

Church Family, As we work our way through Matthew’s account of Passion Week, this past Sunday brought us to Good Friday, the day on which Jesus was put on trial and crucified. Two charges were made against Jesus, that he claimed to be the Son of God and that he...