Uncategorized | Light in the Desert Church


Church Family, What a great Sunday!  Baptism is a wonderful reminder of God’s grace in redemption.  For the believer, it is a public declaration that one has, through faith and repentance in Jesus Christ, been saved from the eternal effects of sin.  For the...


Church Family, Church structure is often viewed as boring and irrelevant to the life and well-being of a church.  This could not be farther from the truth laid out in 1 Timothy 3:1-7.  Paul has left Timothy in Ephesus to charge the false teachers to stop teaching...

An Unlikely Conversion

Church Family, When you consider your conversion, do you see God’s grace?  Paul certainly did, and it spilled over into thankfulness (1 Tim 1:12).  For Paul, God’s grace did not stop in his conversion but continued in calling him to ministry and filling...

Abram the Hebrew

Church Family, I hope you all are well and enjoying God’s Word daily.  If you have been tracking along with a bible reading plan this year, you have more than likely got a double dose of Genesis, Abram, the formation of Israel, and God’s faithfulness to...

Enoch walked with God

Church Family, This past Sunday placed us squarely in a section of Genesis that we more than likely try to avoid, genealogies.  When your bible plan reaches a long list of names, you skim them and move on, but as we learned Sunday, there is a wealth of insight hidden...