Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord.
Psalm 127:3a ESV*All of our volunteers have received specialized training and passed a background check, so you can be assured that your child is well cared for and safe.
Sunday Morning Schedule:
9 am: Four classes offered; Catechism and Grand Story, Learning Bible Reading Strategies
10:15 am: Birth-3rd grade-Dismissed to class after the music to go through the Grand Story of the Bible; 4th-12th grade in service, notes pages available to support children and family conversations after church

Infants and Toddlers
At the 10:15 hour, Birth-Kindergarten will be learning from The Big Picture Story Bible and will be reviewing the catechism question, through music and activities. They will also be participating in Virtue Vision activities through the New City program which reinforces the qualities in the life of a believer i.e., joy, trust, forgiveness. And of course, there will be time for play, crafts, and snacks!
Prek-3rd Grade
The children will be developing Bible listening skills and emerging reading skills as they hear and eventually read passages from God’s word for themselves. They will also be hearing full Bible stories on the second week of each question from The Jesus Storybook Bible. We will be using a toolkit from the Swedish Method to understand God’s Word, by sharing exciting things we discover, asking questions, and understanding what our responses to God’s Word should be.
4th-6th grade
The children will continue to develop Bible reading skills by making connections to the grand story of the Bible using the Swedish Method to process through the passage of the die that ties into the catechism question.
7th-12th Grade
Parent Resources
Infants and Toddlers
7th-12th Grade