The Flood

Church Family,

It’s hard to believe that 2020 is only a month and a half away from being over.  The holidays are upon us, and before we know it, 2021 will be staring us in the face.  As we wind down this unorthodox year, let us not miss every moment to reflect on two important things, 1) the certainty of God and 2) what we trust most.  These two things have confronted us consistently throughout the year in our circumstances and our life together as we study God’s Word.  From each series during our Sunday gatherings and the God in Fullness lecture series, we have seen God as He is, true and trustworthy.  Every Sunday, during our Genesis series, we have been challenged and encouraged as we looked at creation, the fall, and, last Sunday, the flood.  We have seen that through the devastation of sin, there are glimmers of hope that rest upon a trustworthy and true God.  Though this year has been tough, I rejoice at the work of God in our church.


Let Us Pray!

This week’s Wednesday night will be our in-person prayer gathering.  These times together have been deeply encouraging as we call out to the Lord in thanksgiving, in humbleness, and desperation.  We start at 6:30 pm.  Here is a zoom link to participate for those who are unable to join in-person (


Thanksgiving Meal

We have enjoyed over the years sharing a meal before Thanksgiving day to celebrate all the Lord has done in our midst.  As usual for this year, we are going to do things a little differently.  We still want to gather and celebrate; yes, I said celebrate because there’s plenty to be thankful for.  We reserved a ramada at Signal Butte Park (11132 E. Elliot Rd., Mesa, AZ 85212) for this coming Sunday, November 22, from 12:30-2:30 pm.  We ask that everyone bring their own lunch and beverage to the park.  There are a playground and bathrooms located right beside the ramada we reserved.  Not only do we ask you to bring your own food, but come prepared to share how you are thankful for what the Lord has done in your life during 2020.


Church Family,

I’m grateful for our time in Genesis and appreciate the Lord’s work in our hearts through this wonderful book.  This past Sunday, we explored the beginning of one of the most famous Bible stories, The Flood.  Genesis devotes four chapters to discuss all things surrounding this massive event.  The first eight verses of chapter six give us the setting of “why” The Flood occurred.  It is a rather bleak moment in the history of humanity.  So much so, the scriptures tell us that God grieved at humankind’s evil thoughts and actions (Gen 6:5-6).  Though humanity is in deep rebellion towards God, there is still hope; “But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord.”  Brothers and Sisters, let us not forget; both judgment and salvation are present in The Flood narrative.  Sin is dealt with, and salvation is provided.


God in Fullness

Though COVID interrupted our normal Wednesday ministry efforts, our lecture series has proved to be just what we needed during these uncertain times.  This Wednesday will be our sixth lecture in the God in Fullness series.  Each lecture has been zoom only, so here is the link for this week’s lecture  If you have missed previous lectures, you can find them on Facebook or here.


Grace and Peace

Pastor Bryan


Enoch walked with God

Church Family,

This past Sunday placed us squarely in a section of Genesis that we more than likely try to avoid, genealogies.  When your bible plan reaches a long list of names, you skim them and move on, but as we learned Sunday, there is a wealth of insight hidden amidst the names.  In our journey through Genesis, we arrived at Cain’s descendants and Seth’s descendants (Genesis 4, 5).  In these genealogies, we see death present as the ultimate consequence of sin, but yet they are full of glimmers of hope.  Through all the bleakness, Genesis keeps the thread of hope from Genesis 3:15 alive.


Let Us Pray

We believe prayer is essential to our life together.  So this semester we have been gathering every other Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the auditorium for Let Us Pray.  We would love to see you this Wednesday in-person, bur for those unable to attend, use this zoom link,

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Bryan

Cain and Abel

Church Familly,

I do hope you all are well and finding the Lord’s presence comforting.  Genesis has reminded me of both the gloriousness of the Lord and the ugliness of sin.  Sunday, we explored further the effects of The Fall upon our hearts and our relationships.  Cain and Abel lay before us a clear example of how sin crouches hiding around the corner, looking for a moment to pounce.  Their offerings are not the issue; it’s what they say about their hearts that reveal sin’s slow work.  Cain’s anger reveals a heart set upon himself and not obedience to the Lord.  The jealousy he has for Abel and his hatred of the Lord rages into the unthinkable, murder.  Sin was crouching in his offering; it masters him in his act of murder.  Cain is a cautionary tale to us all (1 John 3:12, Jude 11, Romans 6:1-12), and Abel’s blood points to a greater One’s blood that makes the heart pure (Hebrews 12:24).


God in Fullness

This week we will hear from Logan Murphy as he presents a lecture on the unity of God.  Here is the zoom link (  Join us at 6:30 pm with eagerness and a mind ready to engage.


Church Family,

What a joy it is to gather together and come underneath God’s Word, learning, growing, and being encouraged by the truths of Scripture.  This Sunday, Genesis reminded us that though sin brings disorder, it will not win in the end.  In the third chapter of our bibles, we see that God will and has made the way for us to be restored and return to the garden.  This promise is found in Genesis 3:15, which has been called the Proto-Evangelium, first gospel.  In the midst of consequences being laid before our first parents, there is hope in Eve’s offspring; it’s Jesus.  Sin brings disorder and plagues us today.  It is the root of our problems and requires more than bandaids and ointments.  So the Lord in Genesis provides the way to be restored, provides hope in these dark days of sin’s consequences.  Be encouraged and fight the good fight against sin, not through your own strength, but through the person and work of Jesus promised in Genesis 3:15 to offer the final and decisive blow to sin.


Let Us Pray!

This week’s in-person prayer gathering will begin, as usual, at 6:30 pm on Wednesday.  If you have not been able to join, let me encourage you to carve out some time to participate along with us in prayer.  We will also provide a zoom link for those who feel particularly venerable in gathering (

Man and Woman

Church Family,

I am so grateful for the last few weeks and how the Lord has used the first two chapters of Genesis to encourage us all.  There are few controversial issues we are enduring right now within society that Genesis does not address.  It offers tremendous insight into humanity and lays before us God’s good design in gender.  This past Sunday, we unpacked the intimate details of God, creating both male and female.  Gender is God’s good design that we should celebrate, not eliminate.  Male and Female are given to us by God and should be seen as good; therefore, we must diligently pursue an understanding of gender from scripture and willing to trust His wisdom over ours.


Let Us Pray

This is just a quick reminder that there will be no in-person prayer gathering this week.  I want to encourage you to still spend time in prayer, either individually or with those in your household.  Fill free to use our Prayer Guide.


Grace and Peace,

Pastor Bryan


Church Family,

I hope you have been able to rest well (physically and spiritually) in the last few days.  Sunday, we reminded ourselves that rest is ultimately found in the finished work of God the Son who provides for us, like God the Father in creation, all we need (Hebrews 4:1-13).  This side of heaven will be filled with uncertainty, unrest, difficulty, and the like, but that does not mean we cannot experience rest!  Day Seven of the creation account forces us to pause and consider all that God is and has done.  He did not rest for fatigue; he rested because it was finished and full of all that creation needed to be sustained.  Today, stop, yes, stop and consider all that God is in Himself and all He has done, is doing, and will do.


God in Fullness

This Wednesday, we have the privilege to hear from missionary Bobby Lane in our next lecture on the attributes of God.  Boddy is a faithful and passionate communicator of God’s word and a dear friend and brother.  Make plans to join us on zoom (link: at 6:30 pm to hear him address God’s love.  For your information, we are recording all the lectures, so if you have missed any of them and want to listen, click here or subscribe to our podcast on spotify or itunes by searching “Light in the Desert Church Sermons and Podcast.”

Imago Dei

Church Family,

I’ve already thoroughly enjoyed our time in the book of Genesis.  Each week it becomes more and more apparent just how crucial the first few pages of our bibles are to understand the world and humanity.  We simply cannot function nor thrive as humans without understanding these beautiful words found in Genesis 1:26, “Image of God.”  The image of God satisfactorily answers the question, “What is man?”  It also gives us clear direction on how we should see and treat others.  There is no theory that comprehensively deals with humankind more adequately then Genesis one and two.  To be fully human is to be directed towards God, each other, and rightly relating to God’s creation.  This is turn, drives us to the greater image-bearer of God, Jesus (Col 1:15), who through his person and work, is renewing that very image in us (Col 3:9-11).  Human flourishing is directly connected to our union with Jesus Christ.


Let Us Pray

Don’t forget to make plans this Wednesday at 6:30 pm to gather with us in prayer either in-person or online.  Here is the zoom link (

Reading the Bible

Here at Light in the Desert Church, we love the bible.  As a matter of fact, one of our distinctive is Bible-Believing, and we are deeply convicted of making it a regular part of our day.  With that said, consistently reading the Bible is not as easy as we would like it to be, especially during this weird season of pandemic and social unrest.  Unfortunately, studies also show that the less one attends church, the less likely they will read their bibles.  So as a recent article I read stated, “When people engage less with the local church, they engage less with their Bibles…With church gatherings prohibited or limited, hospitality curtailed, and prayer meetings and small groups moved to Zoom, we’ve missed out on some aspects of church life. Many of us have also missed out on opening our Bibles.”  So dust off your bible and dig in!  Also, let me encourage you to read the article I referenced here.


Grace and Peace,

Pastor Bryan

In The Beginning

Church Family,

There is hardly a day that goes by that we are not faced with the implications of our beginnings.  All humans are struggling in a variety of ways this year.  The way we grapple and make sense of our troubles will reflect our view of existence, our worldview about creation.  “Why is all this here?  Why do I exist?  What purpose do my surroundings have in this life?” are just a few questions that Genesis chapter one unpacks for us, for all the human race.  It’s essential for us, God’s people, to not forget our origins and to live in such a way we bring attention to God, our creator.  As we said Sunday, we must marvel at and surrender to God the Creator.


God in Fullness

This Wednesday will be our second lecture in the God in Fullness series on the attributes of God.  This will take place in zoom only; there is no in-person option.  Zoom allows us to have other godly people present lectures who we would otherwise not be able to hear.  The God in Fullness topic this week is the immutability of God presented by Jared Whitehurst.  See you at 6:30 pm!  Click this link

The Believer’s Crescendo: Part 3

Church Family,

I hope and pray that you all were served as much as I was by Romans eight.  This sermon series will go down as one of the most fruitful times we’ve had as a church family.  It encouraged us, renewed our hope, and gave us considerable amounts of truth to rejoicing over.  This past Sunday reminded us never to doubt God’s love for us, most evident in Christ’s love.  Nothing “will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Rom 8:39).


Let Us Pray!

This Wednesday, we will gather again to spend focused time in prayer for our church family and gospel work within our community and globally.  It will begin at 6:30 pm in-person at the auditorium.  We are providing a Zoom option here  Do try to make this a priority as we believe that a church that spends a considerable amount of time in prayer will be a church that experiences God to a greater degree.


Genesis | Our Beginnings

This Sunday, we will begin a new sermon series on the book of Genesis.  Be in prayer that the Lord will use this time in Genesis to strengthen our understanding and stir our affections for Him.




Grace and Peace,

Pastor Bryan