Easter Weekend Schedule

Church Family,

I hope this week has been a fruitful time of reflection upon the person and work of Jesus.  If you have not considered thinking through the days of Passion Week, here is a list of events from the last week of Jesus’ life.  Take time and read through the various events and the words of Jesus.  Considering the magnitude of what this week represents, we as a church family want to take advantage of each moment to contemplate the multiple feelings that surround this week.  We pray for conviction, for strengthening, for a deepening of our faith, and for joy unspeakable to result from this weekend.  Below are the events we are encouraging us all to participate in:

  • Good Friday:  Good Friday is designed to be somber and focused solely on the cross. We want to approach this moment together as a solemn preparation for the joys of resurrection. We will try to do that by maintaining a reverence throughout that highlights that reality.  So as you join the Zoom, join prepared with a quiet spirit ready to receive from the Lord.  We will begin at 5:00 pm.  Here is the link (https://zoom.us/j/486027828)
  • Waiting Saturday:  Waiting is not pleasant and uncertainty can be crushing.  That is exactly how the disciples and all those who followed Jesus felt as his lifeless body lay in a tomb.  We are encouraging us all to take time to walk through this guide with our families on Saturday praying to be strengthened in our waiting.
  • Resurrection Sunday:  He is ALIVE!  Join us at 10 am Sunday on Facebook to celebrate our Risen King!  You don’t have to have a Facebook account to watch the live video.  Simply click here to watch it without a Facebook account.


Grace and Peace,

Pastor Bryan

This week and Easter Instructions

Church Family,

I do hope you all are well and encouraged today.  Yesterday was a great day of connecting with you all in various ways. From our 10 am Facebook live (you can watch it here as well) to the many Zoom calls, it all was good for my soul.

With that said, now that we are several weeks into COVID-19, perhaps things are starting to feel a little overwhelming.  We should anticipate as this virus drags on an increased sense of frustration and a longing for normalcy.  Knowing these things will come, it’s wise for us all to stay connected and participate in the different activities we are making available throughout the week.  So grab your calendar or open it in on your phone and put in these activities:

  • Disciple-Makers: Every Wednesday, we will continue our disciple-makers class at 6:30 pm.  The link will remain the same (https://zoom.us/j/501936397) each week.  We are discussing healthy and practical ways to read the bible.
  • Easter Schedule:  Historically, the church for centuries has marked out this week, often called Passion Week, to reflect deeply on Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection.  Though we are separated, we can still leverage this week and experience joy, conviction, and hope!  I will be sending more details as the week progresses to prepare our hearts for these moments:
    • Good Friday (death):  Jesus experienced a brutal death upon a rugged cross.  We must not soon forget the enormous suffering He endured that brings us our salvation.  At 5 pm on Friday the 10th, we will have a Good Friday service through Zoom (https://zoom.us/j/486027828)
    • Waiting Saturday (burial):  The period after the death of Jesus until resurrection would have been a very uncertain time for God’s people.  It would have been extremely disorienting to them as Jesus was their great hope who now lies in a tomb, died.  This is similar to our current state of uncertainty, and this is the one time in our lives, we can think deeply about the waiting, about the uncertainty, and express how disoriented we feel.  To reflect on this, I will be sending out some instructions for you and your family to use to reflect on this time.
    • Resurrection Sunday (resurrection):  The tomb is EMPTY!  He is ALIVE!  We will continue with our 10 am Facebook live unpacking all the resurrection means to us from 1 Corinthians 15.  Invite those who you have been praying for and sharing with about the gospel of Jesus.

Lastly, thank you for the many that continue to give.  If you are unaware of how to give during this time, there are three different ways:

  1. Online:  This is the simplest way to give.  Just click here and follow the steps.
  2. Church Mailbox:  If you feel like getting out, you can drop it in the onsite mailbox to the left of the glass double-doors.
  3. USPS:  You can simply put it in an envelope, slap a stamp on it, and send it in the mail.

I miss you all tremendously!  I look forward to this week of reflection and wholeheartedly trust the Lord will encourage us, convict us, give us joy, and strengthen our faith!

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Bryan

Instructions for Sunday (4/5/2020)

Church Family,

This is a friendly reminder of our schedule for tomorrow.  At 10 am, we will be on Facebook live for a few announcements and to unpack the next section of 1 Corinthians.  You don’t have to have Facebook to view that video.  You can click here and watch it on our website.  The best way to make the most of this unnormal rhythm is to watch the video together and then participate in family worship (here are two resources to help you, a video and an article).  We have encouraged this every week and hope that repetition has neither annoyed you or lessen its importance.  It is our effort to wisely do things that will help to build each other up.  Remember, it is simple: read, pray, and sing (see songs below)!

O, For A Thousand Tongues To Sing
Before the Throne of God Above
King of Kings
10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord)


Grace and Peace,

Pastor Bryan

Virtual Prayer Gathering (UPDATE)

Church Family,

I hope you all are well and healthy.  We are scheduled to have a prayer gathering through Zoom at 7 pm this Friday. I wanted to give you a few instructions to make the most of tomorrow.  Below is a guide put together by The Gospel Coalition to help you spend the entire day focused on prayer for various things.  It breaks the guide up into a morning prayer, a midday prayer, and an evening prayer.  The evening prayer is going to be online, and the link is provided in the prayer guide.  It will take place from 4 pm-5 pm (APRIL 4TH).  I would suggest participating in that as it will be an encouraging time.  By God’s sovereign design, we already had a prayer gathering scheduled from 7 pm-8 pm.  We will make use of the midday prayer during that time because it focuses on praying as a group and praying for the local gathering.  I look forward to spending some time together tomorrow evening.  Find the links below:

Prayer Guide

Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/719683473

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Bryan

UPDATE: this week and April

Church Family,

I’ve been encouraged by watching you all love each other well during this crazy time of separation.  Our series on 1 Corinthians is exactly what we have needed to direct us in our love for one another.  Yesterday’s text was very encouraging for me, and I hope for you as well.  As the weeks drag on, don’t hesitate to reach out if you need anything.  With that said, I wanted to update you all in two ways, 1) our plans for April and 2) this week’s schedule.



With the latest recommendations for the nation and Arizona, the leadership and I feel it is best to continue with our current unnormal rhythm we have established.  We are canceling all face to face gatherings for the month of April.  With that said, please take advantage of everything we are doing to stay connected.  If you have not tried a Zoom meeting, give it a try this week.  You will be surprised by how encouraging it will be for you.  We will update you soon on the various things we will do and encourage you to do for Easter.


This week (March 30th)

Each week I intend on posting that week’s schedule with the necessary information you need to participate.

  • Disciple-Makers: this is our effort to help us read God’s Word well, which takes place on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 pm.  Please join us through Zoom as we talk through practical ways to read your bible. (https://zoom.us/j/501936397)
  • Prayer Gathering:  last Friday, we gathering for a time of prayer and encouragement.  We are going to do that again this coming Friday through Zoom at 7 pm.  (https://zoom.us/j/719683473)
  • Sunday 10 am:  we will go live on Facebook to unpack the next section of 1 Corinthians scheduled for that day.  You don’t need a Facebook account to watch that because the stream goes to the website. Click here for that link.
  • Members Meeting: we have our quarterly Members Meeting scheduled for this coming Sunday, April 5th.  We will go forward with that meeting through Zoom at 4 pm. (https://zoom.us/j/806456517)  We will discuss several important issues and celebrate what the Lord is and has been doing.


Grace and Peace,

Pastor Bryan

Instructions for this Sunday (3/29/2020)

Church Family,

We will meet this Sunday again through Facebook Live at 10 am.  If you don’t have a Facebook, no worries, just click here and you can watch the Livestream.  After the video, we strongly encourage family worship.  Spend some time together as a family reading scripture (helpful questions to ask here), praying together about what you learned from God’s word and each other, and then singing together these songs:

I identify with Paul’s words to the church in Rome.  He says, “For God is my witness, whom I serve with my spirit in the gospel of his Son, that without ceasing I mention you always in my prayers, asking that somehow by God’s will I may now at last succeed in coming to you [in our case seeing you face to face].  For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthing you–that is, that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine” (Rom 1:9-11).

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Bryan

“How To”

Church Family,

We have made it through another week of Covid-19 and still have many questions ahead of the long term effects this will have on us individually and our life together.  In the meantime, we can continue to be the church through various outlets.  I am encouraged about how many of you are staying connected through those outlets and taking the time to pick up the phone and call one another.  Keep it up!  You cannot imagine how significant it can be for one another.  Below, I put together an instructional video on where to find all our updates, on ways to connect, and how to give online.  Check out the video and let me know if you have any questions.



Grace and Peace,

Pastor Bryan

UPDATE: Things to consider this week

Brothers and Sisters,

Sunday was strange indeed for us all.  It was not our usual rhythm that we all long for but was fruitful nonetheless (see Facebook for the Livestream or click here for the video or just the audio).  In the face of all this uncertainty, we, the church, can still be what God has made us; a group of diverse believers who depend on each other to thrive and survive spiritually.  Don’t underestimate your role in our life together, especially now.  Call, text, email, or video chat one another and share burdens, joys, fears, then read God’s Word together and PRAY!  We are better together!

Let me make you aware of a few things that will help keep you connected this week:

  • As always, keep checking Facebook and our news blog, but if you did not know, we have a podcast on iTunes and Spotify.  As of right now, just our sermons go to those podcasts, but with our new reality, we are exploring other ways to make use of a regular podcast (who knows everything is day to day).
  • For your listening pleasure and a way to remind you of the great truths about God, click this link and listen to a suggested playlist to help keep your thoughts on the Lord.
  • We will resume Disciple-Makers this Wednesday at 6:30 pm through Zoom (https://zoom.us/j/907781272).  Many of you already participate in this class, but if you do not, now is a great time to join.  All are welcome.  If you don’t know what it is, let me explain.  Disciple-makers is designed to help equip and encourage a follower of Christ to fulfill their responsibility of making disciples.  It is a course that covers a variety of foundational beliefs, extremely practical ways to read scripture with believers and non-believers, and the ins and outs of how we change.  In essence, it is designed to help us read our bibles well, which is essential for followers of Jesus.  So join us as we continue to talk about practical ways to read our bibles.
  • On Friday at 7 pm, we are having a prayer gathering through Zoom (https://zoom.us/j/701628681).  God has given us a wealth of help in his Word and Prayer.  So make time to join us on Friday to pray.

Let me end with this encouragement.  The essential thing you can do each day is to read God’s Word.  If you have struggled with a consistent pattern of reading God’s Word, now is a great time to begin to develop that rhythm.  Don’t beat yourself up over inconsistency.  A failed attempt is much better than no attempt at all.  We will continue to provide resources to aid you in reading scripture like this PDF that has a few simple questions to guide your reading.  Reading God’s Word will make a tremendous difference in how we respond to uncertainty.  Like I said on Sunday, uncertainty does not often reveal answers, but it most certainly reveals clarity.  Clarity on what is most important, clarity on where our trust lies, clarity on where we should pour our energy.  God is faithful, and we are reminded of that in His Word and prayer.  Let this scripture from Lamentations 3:22-24 wash over you today:


The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in him.” 


Grace and Peace,

Pastor Bryan

Instructs for Sunday (3/22/2020)

Church Family,

This Sunday will be a first for not only us but churches across the United States and World at large.  Suspending our gathering time, though it is best now, is always difficult for the Local Church.  With that said, you/we can still enjoy God’s Word in our homes and with our families.  Below, I want to give you some instructions on what we encourage for this Sunday.

  • At 10 am Sunday, go to our Facebook page or click here to watch a Livestream from me on a short unpacking of 1 Corinthians 12:12-31 and some instructions.


  • After watching the Livestream, do a Family Worship.  Don’t let this intimidate you and don’t limit this concept to families with smaller children–this should be done with husband and wife as well.  It’s simple, do these three things (I strongly encourage watching this video for a great explanation)


  • If you have smaller kiddos, download these PDFs from the scheduled lesson for this Sunday.  Use them during the afternoon on Sunday or later this week.

I am grateful for you all and trust the Lord will and is doing great things in you individually, us as Light in the Desert Church, and our community.  Please, don’t hesitate to reach out if you need anything.

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Bryan

Get together (online)

Church Family,

Tomorrow at 6 pm, we are going to try and get together by using Zoom (it can be used on your computer, smartphone, or tablet).  Since we can’t gather physically, this is our next best option, so we thought, why not do a test run!  If you don’t already have Zoom, you will need to download it from the app store.  An easy way to do that is by simply clicking this link (https://zoom.us/j/543814068and follow the promptings.  Once downloaded, come back to this post and click on the link again and it will open the app and ask if you would like to join.  Click “join the meeting,” and you should be off and running.  I would encourage you to go ahead and download Zoom before the meeting.  If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to call and I will walk you through it all.

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Bryan