Time & Place
7930 E Baseline Rd
Mesa, AZ 85209
phone // 480-986-6750
News Blog
Birthright and God’s promise
Church Family, Holding tight to God's unshakable word is difficult in uncertain times. It becomes more difficult when suffering is great, and a quick fix is before you. This is where we found ourselves in Genesis this past Sunday; Esau starving and willing to give...
Steadfast Love
Church Family, In a world of constant change, it's comforting to know that the Lord is steadfast in his love towards us. He is not a short-lived interest God who is only around for a few moments here and there. He is consistent, determined, and has set His love...
Church Family, Preaching through Genesis, which is primarily a historical narrative book, has been enjoyable for many reasons, but one is watching real-life followers of God go through life. We've been following Abraham, Sarah, and Isaac the last several months...
According to the Scriptures
Church Family, Easter weekend was a joyous time together at both our Good Friday Gathering and our Resurrection Sunday Gathering. If you are like me, not gathering during Easter weekend last year was one of the hardest parts to endure. That made this weekend all the...
Church Family, This week brings with it a wonderful opportunity to reflect upon the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. The foundation of our beliefs is what we celebrate this week. This past Sunday, we reflected on what God through Jesus secures for us. As...