Time & Place

7930 E Baseline Rd
Mesa, AZ 85209
phone // 480-986-6750
News Blog
He Turns Our Mourning To Dancing
Church Family, This past Sunday we spent our time in Psalm 30, which David wrote for the dedication of the Temple but is also fit for any moment of gathering in the house of the Lord. It highlights the permanence of God's glory, especially in contrast with the...
Lord Over Everything (Yes, Even Over That)
Church Family, This past Sunday we continued our Psalms for the Summer with Psalm 29. Here David makes use of opposites like heaven and earth, land and sea, mountains and lowlands to emphatically declare that God has undeniable lordship over all things. The Psalm even...
Lamenting as the People of God
Church Family, This week we picked back up our Psalms for the Summer. Starting back where we left off, Psalm 28 is a Psalm of lament, expressing David's sincere and justified feelings of despair. Still, as a holy lament, this Psalm is a Psalm of faith. Rather than...
A Message That Cannot Be Contained
Church Family, This past Sunday we looked at Peter and John standing before the authorities in Jerusalem after the two of them had been thrown in prison for preaching the Gospel. These authorities can find no grounds for charges in light of the two apostles' arguments...
The Value of the Gospel
Church Family, This past Sunday, as we continued to work our way through the book of Acts, we encountered yet another of the many signs and wonders performed by the apostles. As Peter and John entered the temple they came across crippled beggar. Lacking either silver...