Time & Place

7930 E Baseline Rd
Mesa, AZ 85209
phone // 480-986-6750
News Blog
The Authority and Impact of the Apostles
Church Family, This past Sunday we looked at Acts 2:42-47 where we saw the earliest moments of the ministry of the apostles and the developing character of the Early Church. This passage gives us a good opportunity to consider who the apostles were, what their role...
Christ at the Center of all Scripture
Church Family, This past Sunday, as we continued through the book of Acts, we looked at Peter's sermon on the day of Pentecost after the sending of the Holy Spirit. In this sermon Peter proves that Jesus is the Christ who was foretold in passages like Psalms 16 and...
Working by the Power of the Holy Spirit
Church Family, Continuing through Acts, this past Sunday we looked at the moment of the sending of the Holy Spirit. To describe this moment as miraculous would be an understatement. The Holy Spirit made its presence known in a roaring sound and a brilliant image. The...
Prayer and Scripture Then, Prayer and Scripture Now
Church Family, This past Sunday, as we continued our series in Acts, we looked at the first moments of the Church after Jesus' ascension. Things were moving fast and the Church needed to replace Judas with a new twelfth apostle and prepare to fulfill the Great...
Sent Out Under Jesus’ Authority
Church Family, This past Sunday we began our new series in the book of Acts. This book covers the earliest days of Christianity as the Holy Spirit moved and worked through the apostles and other believers to spread the Gospel and build the Church. Before we see the...